Declassified Government Photos That Will Shock You
The U.S. government is a pretty good secret keeper, so when it declassifies photos from its many archives, the images that surface can be quite shocking. From UFO crash sites to Soviet bunkers and top-secret aircraft, these images were once kept hidden from civilian eyes but are now available for inquisitive minds everywhere.
Weather Manipulation?
China owns this 500-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, purported to have the world’s strongest signal, capable of detecting radio signals from far distances into the universe. At its base is an ionosphere controller that intel suggests may be used for weather manipulation. Dubbed the “Eye of Heaven,” this telescope’s construction displaced 9,000 people from the village once located where the telescope now rests.
We're Not Alone
U.S. Navy pilot footage released by the Pentagon documents unidentified flying objects with flight capabilities that exceed any known to humankind. The footage was so alarming that Congress requested a full report, although its findings were inconclusive as to the origin of the crafts captured on video.
Trial Run for Terror
Charred and dismembered department store mannequins in the aftermath of a 1955 atomic bomb test in the Nevada desert, as captured by Loomis Dean. The mannequins were part of a $1 million village the government built to test atomic bomb blast effects as part of civil defense preparation.