Top Dog Breeds for Women Over 50

Looking for a new furry friend? These dog breeds have just the right characteristics to complement women over 50 and their various lifestyles.
The Poodle

Poodles are hypoallergenic, super intelligent and not to mention, pretty darn cute. They're easy to train and come in various sizes — toy, miniature and standard — so you can choose what's most manageable for you.
The Greyhound

Don't let their penchant for racing fool you — these mild-mannered dogs actually love to lounge around at home. If you're looking for a binge-watching buddy of a bigger size but without the high-energy, a greyhound might just be a perfect fit.
The West Highland White Terrier (AKA Westie)

Small but hardy, Westies are a great option for women who love to get outside for long walks. These active, charming pups require only occasional grooming for a low-maintenance lifestyle.
The Pomeranian

Who says big breeds are the only guard dogs? Though teeny in size, Pomeranians are known for protecting their homes by staying alert and barking often. An ideal combination of fierce protector meets lovable lap dog.
The Labrador Retriever

Love to jog, swim and enjoy the great outdoors? You'll love it even more with a Lab by your side. As the most high-energy on this list, friendly, lovable Labradors will need plenty of exercise, so they're best for women who like to keep active.